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Doctor Reveals The Truth:

How My Mun Avoided Knee Surgery and Eliminated Joint Pain After Using a “Weird Miracle Device” in Less Than 21 Days…

Without Invasive Surgery, Expensive Visits to Physical Therapist, Knee Injections, or Addictive Painkillers.

By Nobert Odoh | Feb 6, 2024 | 12:03 PM WAT

Hi, My name is Sarah Odo, and I’m proud to be one of the few people in Nigeria who have been privileged to attain the level of Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) in the USA.

I have been working as a Nurse Practitioner (NP) for the past nine years of my life.

The story I am about to tell you is not mine but that of my own mother in Nigeria, of how she has been suffering from chronic knee pain that has hunted her life and how it was eliminated in as Little as 21 days…

My mom would wake up every night with a chronic knee pain.

Each night, she reaches for the painkillers on the small table next to her bed and swallows them down with a glass of water.

After taking the medication, she waits for it to start working.

But by the time it does, she’s wide awake and unable to fall back asleep.

So she just lies there, pondering.

She reflects on the unfairness of her life, weighed down by the constant ache of her chronic knee pain.

Since her retirement, her achy knees have turned her life into a nightmare with their constant pain.

She had to stop going to the local market with her husband, my father, Joe.

They used to go together, but now he just goes alone, even though he hates it.

She used to participate in group cooking sessions for weddings and church activities like bazaars with her friends.

Yet today, if she kneels down to cook, she needs help getting up.

It was so embarrassing that she stopped joining them.

Walking through a staircase feels like climbing Mount Everest.

And the worst thing….

When she and my dad were younger, they always dreamed of their retirement.

It was the time when their children were all grown up.

When they could hang up their work coats and have all the time to travel the world, like coming for my Ọmụgwọ (postpartum care) in the US. Just the two of them.


Her Achy Knees Killed That Dream Instantly

Not so long ago, my parents celebrated their 35th anniversary.

They wanted to come to the US. Since I just had my first baby, they’d then travel to Italy, where my brother their son is based.

They’d eat and taste as many foreign foods as they’d like… And walk around the streets of Rome and Florence.

However, they had to cancel the trip because of her chronic knee pain.

See, she didn’t want to be the one to stop every 5 minutes. She knew her knees could be a problem, so she started to walk every day for 15 minutes in preparation.

Maybe she walked a little bit too much…

One night, my mom woke up, and her knees were as big as baseballs.

The pain was so bad, she couldn’t bear it.

She tried everything she could think of to make it stop hurting.

She was really desperate. She wore special sleeves on her knees every day which didn’t really work. She took a lot of painkillers, way more than usual. She even went to see a local physical therapist.

But even though the swelling went down… The pain didn’t go away. So they had to cancel their trip. She felt really sad about it.

My dad, seeing her low spirits, decided to take the matter into his hands.

One evening, when they were in bed, he called me, his tune sounded more serious than usual.

I could hear my mom groaning in pain.. Her knees keep getting worse, and I just knew I needed to do something.

I told her about my friend who knew this doctor in Scottsdale, Arizona.

Dr. Martin was the best bone doctor in the country, and maybe he could help.

With the help of a friend, I was able to get in contact with him, which landed us an appointment.

My parents agreed to come, but deep down, my mom was afraid her only option would be surgery.

“Avoid The Surgery At All Costs”

These were the exact words Dr. Martin told them. What a relief!

He assured her there was a way to avoid the invasive procedure and eliminate her chronic knee pain within the next 14 days.

“Of course, we are all different, and I can’t guarantee 100% results… But over the last decade, 3,000 people have walked out of this office pain-free.”

For The First Time In a Long Time, My Mom Felt Hopeful.

‘’Let me show you something,” Dr. Martin continued.

He opened his desk drawer and pulled out a weird-looking device.

“I’ll tell you what this magical device is in a moment.

However, first, you must understand why you have achy joints.

Most doctors don’t bother explaining anything and send you to an operating table.

I’m different. I want you to know your own body. So let’s take a look.”


It turns out the real reason her knees ache has to do with cartilage.

Cartilage is a cushion for your bones.

As you age, this cushion wears and tears and completely thins out.

When this happens, you feel pain when walking, sitting, or standing.

Additionally, the blood flow also slows down. Worn-out cartilage and poor blood flow cause inflammation and chronic pain.


Heres where it gets tricky

Your knees need movement to stimulate blood flow because it reduces inflammation and eliminates pain.

However, we both know… it’s near impossible to move around when your knees are aching.

That’s why Dr. Martin created a product that helps with blood flow, imitates movement, and restores cartilage…

It will allow you to get instant pain relief and move pain-free.

He finished the product development just recently. He worked in partnership with a well-established US-based tech startup called FigurePrime™.

They call the product “KneeFlex,” and it’s a medical-grade 3-in-1 knee massager.

The secret to the breakthrough KneeFlex Knee Massager is a unique combination of the three most effective treatments for achy joints:

1. Red Light therapy. Red light therapy speeds up your body’s natural collagen production. Thus reversing the cartilage damage in your knees and eliminating pain.

2. Heat therapy. This loosens the muscles around and inside the knee. It stimulates blood flow. So your knees get vital nutrients and oxygen to restore and heal faster.

3. Massage therapy. This relaxes tight muscles and tissue. Your knee pain is replaced with a feeling of bliss and relief.


The combination of these 3 therapies will allow you to return to daily walks, cooking, doing yoga, jogging, getting up and downstairs, and driving, completely free of knee pain.

What’s more, KneeFlex is extremely easy to use. All you do is slide the massager on your painful knee and push the “on” button. Turn on your favorite TV show, and 15 minutes later, enjoy a pain-free life.

She got 2 of them – 1 for each of her knees.

Now, she didn’t expect quick results. It took her years to develop this pain…

She knew it would take at least a few months to regain her old knees.

However, to her surprise…

Years of Pain, Embarrassment, and Isolation, Gone in Less Than 14 Days.


She can’t describe the relief she felt when she first put the Knee Massager on her achy knees.

And by the second week, her knees felt so much better.

She could easily climb a few flights of stairs.

Sitting in a chair didn’t hurt at all.

And the best of all… she could finally sleep through the night!

She’s back to engaging in cooking sessions with her friends at weddings or church bazaars.

And she doesn’t bother my dad with going to the market anymore, as she goes all by herself.

And by the second week, her knees felt so much better.

She could easily climb a few flights of stairs.

Sitting in a chair didn’t hurt at all.

She feels this massager has turned back time by at least 20 years.

She told all her friends about it.

And she is sharing this with you.


It’s Like Having a Personal Massage Therapist In Your Home, Available 24/7…. without the price tag.

You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars on appointments and waste hours driving to the office…

Instead, every time she feels the slightest twinge or discomfort in her knees…

She slides KneeFlex™ on her knees, relaxes for 15 minutes, and the discomfort is gone…

After just 15 minutes of rest and bliss, she returns to her chores and everyday life.

If it weren’t for the massager, she’d have to go for the surgery.

And you know how dangerous that is…

There are so many complications…

Months of therapy…

And not to even mention the cost.

Instead, they both plan a trip to Europe for three months.

And rest assured, KneeFlex is coming with them.

Because this device literally saved her life.

She wakes up excited for the day.

She has more energy than she knows what to do with.

And her garden is the best-looking in the entire neighborhood!

She can kneel for hours! No pain!

That’s why she can’t recommend this massager enough. It’ll eliminate pain in mere minutes.

Over 93% of Users Report Feeling Almost Instant Relief…



However, don’t take my word for it…. Check out KneeFlex’s Website, You’ll see thousands of people who were ready to give up on life and get the surgery…. Yet, at the last moment, they tried KneeFlex and never looked back.

To read more reviews and order your massager, visit the website here.

You Don’t Deserve To Live a Life Filled With Discomfort And Pain!

By the way, you don’t have to decide on the massager right away.

All I’m suggesting is that you give it a try.

Try it out without losing your money.

Give it a shot for just 30 days…

And if you don’t feel your pain going away within 30 days or sooner, you’ll get all your money back.

Just think about it…

10-sessions with a physical therapist, even with insurance, will cost nearly half a million naira.

A massage therapist will cost the same amount, if not more.

Plus, don’t forget the thousands of naira you spend on prescription medications every month.

Yet none of them will ever offer you such a guarantee.

What a costly risk!

However, here’s Flexify’s promise:

If you use this Knee Massager for the next 30 days for just 15 minutes a day!

It will eliminate knee pain, and it will allow you to live your life fully again.

Just imagine how wonderful it will be to move without pain again.

To play with your grandchildren…

To spend time with your family…

And create memories with friends…

FigurePrime offers you this gift of life, and it’s yours for the taking.

And if not?

If your chronic knee pain isn’t turned into a feeling of bliss and relief,

They will give you back 100 percent of every penny you spent.

They will refund your entire purchase price without asking any questions.

Simply contact their helpful customer support team at support@treatmedy.com.

The way I see it, there’s nothing to lose.

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